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PWI - Find Someone Through the Perfect Match System

By Synchroze | Tue 24 Sep 2013 07:09:44 PM PDT


An in game social networking system to help you connect with new friends or partners to aid you in combat.


Perfect Match in Perfect World


Hello Perfect World travelers! Ever feel a bit lonely on your quest for power? Perhaps you are looking for an extra comrade in arms, or maybe just a little advice? Well, in the upcoming content update, we’re introducing a new social system to the game called Perfect Match!


This new system will ask for a little information on you which will be used to connect with other players of similar traits. Whether you are looking for someone to chat with, fight together with, or learn from... Perfect Match is the tool to use!


Click the Perfect Match icon near the mini-map to get started!



You’ll be greeted by an introduction window.
Click start to begin creating your own profile.



There are four pages to the personal profile:
Gameplay, Hobbies, Zodiac, and Search Mode



As you can see, there are enough options to ensure players of like mind will find each other easily.
Once the fields are filled out, simply select whether you are looking for a: Companion, Friend, or Mentor.



After selecting “Find a Friend”, a list of other players appears in order of similarity to your profile.
There are also 4 buttons for instant interaction with these players:
Say Hello, Private Chat, Form Squad, and Add Friend



“Finally! I’ve found you!”




This blog was written by GM DefenderOfDreams


pwi, pwi-news, free-to-play,

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