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Lostmauth Set Exchange

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | ven 15 apr 2016 10:10:00 PDT

Well met, adventurers,

In our continued effort to balance aspects of the game for smoother and more consistent gameplay, we announced a major change to the Lostmauth Set bonus, which includes the Lostmauth’s Horn of Blasting, Lostmauth’s Hoard Necklace and Golden Belt of Puissance.

Lostmauth’s Hoard will soon do exactly as it says: do an additional hit for Weapon Damage on a Critical hit – without the added bonuses. This change is currently on Preview and will be pushed live in the near future.

Due to this change making the Lostmauth Set not best-in-slot for certain classes, many adventurers will be choosing to equip another set depending on their current build. We know many an adventurer has spent a considerable amount of time and resources on upgrading the Lostmauth Set and understand the frustrations on upgrading another set from scratch. Because of this, we’ve decided to implement a process, which doesn’t let that effort go to waste.

For a limited time after the Lostmauth changes go live - sometime soon - the Antiquities Scholar Vendor will be available next to the Rewards Claim Agent in Protector’s Enclave. She has a shop where adventurers may exchange a piece of the Lostmauth Set for another of a different set, keeping the same quality. For example, you may exchange a Legendary Golden Belt of Puissance for a Legendary Belt of Valindra’s Guard. You can choose to exchange your entire set or just one piece - it's up to you!

The following of each quality will be available in the shop:

  • Black Ice Set
    • Black Ice Beholder
    • Greater Belt of Black Ice
    • Greater Cloak of Black Ice
  • Valindra Set
    • Shard of Valindra’s Crown
    • Belt of Valindra’s Guard
    • Amulet of Valindra’s Favor
  • Lathander Set
    • Eye of Lathander
    • Greater Lathander’s Belt
    • Greater Lathander’s Cloak
  • Seldarine Set
    • Emblem of the Seldarine
    • Greater Belt of the Seldarine
    • Greater Cloak of the Seldarine
  • Tiamat Set
    • Tiamat’s Orb of Majesty
    • Tiamat Sash
    • Amulet of Tiamat’s Demise
  • Imperial Set
    • Rod of Imperial Restraint
    • Greater Imperial Waistband of Honor
    • Greater Imperial Dragon Cloak


Each item in the store can only be bought once per character and are bound to character on pickup. The store will only be available to players who have a character that had already completed the tutorial when this change goes live.

Please note that the amount of RP in the piece will not transfer over. Due to this, we recommend refining your Lostmauth Set to the next quality before exchanging with the Antiquities Scholar Vendor - if it's close to the next quality, that is.

The vendor will not be in Neverwinter for long, but we’ll make sure to let adventurers know in advance on the last day she’ll be present. Please keep an eye on this blog, the forums, Twitter and Facebook for notifications. As a note, she’ll also make her way to Xbox One when the changes happen there.

As always, we welcome any feedback from the community and are excited to see which of the Artifact sets you choose to use in the near future. Can't wait for her to arrive on live? She'll be available as early as the evening of April 15 on Preview!

-The Neverwinter Team

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