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The Return of Respen’s Marvelous Game

Di DwightMC | ven 07 nov 2014 10:01:00 PST

The Mysterious mage, Respen Durothil, once again calls upon the adventurers of Neverwinter to test his marvelous new game. Starting November 13, 2014, players will be able to queue up again for this exciting fan-favorite in Neverwinter.

Thanks to an amazing response we received during the ExtraLife Charity event, where we received over $30,000 in donations, we decided to reward the community with bringing back Respen’s Marvelous Game! For those that missed out on this event last time, Respen’s Marvelous Game takes place atop a table, with your character being transformed into a miniature statuette. This event will challenge you on a whole new level. Now you will know what it is like to be on the other side of a tabletop game!

Complete the game and you will be rewarded with amazing items. Here’s a sneak peak of one of the rewards:

Green Slime Companion

We’ll be revealing full details on the event, including all the rewards you can get, next week before the event goes live. Are you ready for this table top adventure? Let us know on the official Neverwinter forums!

Click here to register for Neverwinter, the Dungeons & Dragons action MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Get a head start in-game by purchasing Neverwinter item packs which include unique companions, mounts, boosts, and exclusive benefits!

Want more game details, screens, and videos? Like Neverwinter on Facebook for more fan-exclusive content and follow us on Twitter – tweet us your questions! And, subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest Neverwinter videos.

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