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Star Trek Online

Wallet Shutdown Announcement

Von Andy | Fr 13 Mär 2015 15:00:00 PDT

Hey everyone,

A major change to the billing system will take place on Tuesday, 3/17. The Perfect World Wallet system, where players would store their purchased ZEN before transferring it into game will be shut down. This will only affect players who use the Wallet system and will not interfere with your access to Arc or any of our games.

For any players who still have ZEN in their Wallet, it will automatically be transferred to your Arc Account Balance, which will be located here on the Purchase History page – a button will appear where the red box is.

The migration will take a couple of days and won’t affect your ability to access Arc or any of our games. For any users who still use the Wallet system, never fear, the handy Charge system will be your go-to place to purchase any in-game currency. The Charge system is extremely similar to the Wallet system where you choose a game from the list, the server and method of payment.

If you already use the Charge system, this change will not affect you.

If you have any further questions, let us know by messaging our official Facebook page.

As always, thank you for all your support,

The Arc Team

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