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Star Trek Online

PC Patch Notes for 6/18/20

Von Ambassador Kael | Mi 17 Jun 2020 16:42:09 PDT


  • The T'Liss Romulan Light Warbird as seen in Star Trek: The Original Series has been completely remastered!
    • The new model features more accurate geometry and a new material.
    • If you have a version of the T'Liss Warbird, ready that ship, visit the Ship Customization Screen, and choose the "T'Liss" preset to update your T'Liss to the revamped art.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Security Transport call from the Tong'duj to use Federation hailing frequencies.


Known issues:

  • The Legendary Light Intel Warbird [T6] cannot be claimed through the Ship Vendor
    • It can still be claimed through the C-Store once purchased
  • The “Go To Zen Store” button that appears when viewing the Legendary Light Intel Warbird [T6] in the Ship Vendor does not currently function
    • The C-Store can still be accessed through normal means.

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