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Gamescom 2015 Recap

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | gio 13 ago 2015 13:51:24 PDT

The EU Community Team is back in Amsterdam. The team had amazing time at Gamescom 2015 in Cologne and with the many of you who joined us at the Community Meet-up at the Rhine River.

Hundreds of thousands of gamers literally flooded the convention center in Cologne to catch up with the latest developments in gaming and to loot some swag. Our Community team also used the opportunity to talk and meet with players from our many games.

(Thousands of gamers at Gamescom)

Gamescom means bigger, brighter, louder! The team expected awesome shows and was not disappointed at any point. Despite the amazing shows with breathtaking visual effects and mind blowing impressions, there was also plenty of analog action going on. The team saw great cosplay all over the place and stunning stunts outside the halls.

(“I already did that in a game” – Tim ‘Suricata’ Davis)

Although the team enjoyed their time at gamescom the true highlight was the community meet-up on Saturday evening. Players from all our games met in a close by restaurant and enjoyed a great evening of talks and games.

(Dozens of player showed up and spent an awesome evening in a restaurant at the benches of the river Rhine)

Drinks, food and some great conversations about their beloved games amongst each other and with their community managers. After handing out a first round of goodies and t-shirts we switchted to pvp mode and the teamed up crowed fought in our pub quiz for even more swag.

(Teams are eagerly waiting for the next question being asked during the pub quiz. Come on Fero, hurry up!)

Team Tribble ranked second.

Beaten only by the Team DPS-Mausis who rocked the pub quiz with their wisdom in five different categories. Congratulations.

(Team DPS-Mausis getting their well-deserved extra-swag!)

Carrying his team to victory, the smartest of the group was rewarded with a brand new Plantronics RIG Gaming Headset.

(The smartest of the bunch! Congratulations!)

After the Quiz, rewards, food and more drinks some players took the chance to interview their community managers. Some even managed to reveal world exclusive news from the team. ;-)

(Nevandon and Fero answered some tough questions during their interview by members of the Omega Gaming Community!)

The Team had an amazing evening with you guys in Cologne. Rest assured that we will meet again next year!


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