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Neverwinter Xbox One: Rise of Tiamat is Live!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | lun 29 giu 2015 16:33:10 PDT

Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat is now available on Xbox One! Adventurers may now explore the all-new Well of Dragons adventure zone while battling the Cult of the Dragon, who aim to summon the dragon queen herself, Tiamat.

Releasing alongside this new content are a slate of updates to improve player experience across the board. These include an onscreen mini-map, performance upgrades, adjustments to queueing and more. Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat follows the events of Neverwinter: Tyranny of Dragons campaign and the recent Siege of Neverwinter event. Along with new quests and heroic encounters on the path to completing the final chapters of the Tyranny of Dragons campaign, players can anticipate the upcoming 25-player battle with five-headed draconic goddess Tiamat.

"With Neverwinter being one of the first MMORPGs to come to the Xbox One, we wanted to ensure that our game lives up to the idea of a living world," said Rob Overmeyer, executive producer of Neverwinter. "Rise of Tiamat is just the beginning of our continued support for our game on consoles as we look to deliver more dungeons, dragons and game optimizations that our players want."

The Temple of Tiamat raid itself will not be available at launch due to the need to complete campaign tasks – and to allow Severin ample time to prepare. She'll rise from the Nine Hells on July 10!

Band together and rise to the occasion before the five-headed goddess rises before you!

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