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Homestead #2

By enelimm | Wed 23 Mar 2016 10:00:00 AM PDT

The Grand Tour

Welcome back to the second of our three part look at the new Homestead system, available when we finally open the gates to PWI’s latest expansion, Elysium. In this edition, we will be taking a look at the Homestead Editor and resource production!


The Homestead Editor

Your new Homestead is a blank canvas, with you as its artist. With so many tools at your fingertips, what will you do to make it the home of your dreams? We would like to introduce you to the Homestead Editor.

This editor is a really easy to use tool which allows you to customize the look of your Homestead. Here you have several editing functions, you can edit Functional Buildings, Landscape, and even the Terrain. You can also use the editor to change the way the camera works by making it free or fixed to fine tune the interior of you houses.

Functional Buildings

You can only have one of each functional building in your Homestead, you can edit the directions in which they face and their locations, but they cannot be put away. These buildings are valuable in helping you produce resources to keep your Homestead running each day.


In the landscape menu is where you will find decorative buildings that do not produce resources, furniture to place inside your buildings, and ornaments of many kinds to place around your land to make it really stand out!

Use this menu to dig out rivers and lakes, make mountains out of mole hills or flatten your land. The brushes you use for this can be customized in size and shape.

Make your Homestead work for you

Your Homestead produces valuable resources to aid you in this Perfect World as well as maintain it daily. This is done through the buildings that you place in your Homestead. There are several varieties:

Production Buildings

These buildings will allow you to craft items, post jobs, and purchase items… More on these in our next sneak preview!


Landscape are primarily decorative items which include, furniture, nature, hobby, and residences. Yes, that means you can not only have your own Homestead… You get your very own home.

Resource Production Buildings

Your Homestead is capable of producing two types of resources, General and Cerise Gem. General resources are provided daily from the Resource Production Buildings you erect on your Homestead. They provide you with Diety Wood, Transition Crystal, Jadestone, and Brocade which are essential items in crafting!

Cerise Gems are produced daily by your farms and ranches, these gems are essential for maintaining the day to day activity in your Homestead.


The Homestead Codex

With so many amazing things to do on your Homestead, this is a valuable tool to help you keep track of your inventory. With the Homestead Codex, you can look at all of the items available for your Homestead and use it to create the land of your dreams!


We hope that you enjoyed this preview of the new Homestead system that will be available when we open the gates to Elysium! Tune in next time when we take a look at how to maintain your Homestead, and what amazing things you can craft!



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