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Patch Notes: Version: NW.75.20170306d.13

Di Julia (nitocris83) | lun 01 mag 2017 15:00:00 PDT

Content and Environment

River District

  • Certain fire jet sources in Kabal's demiplane can no longer be targeted or damaged indirectly by certain powers.
  • Wizard Attack Heroic Encounters are less likely to become stuck.
  • Music no longer has a chance to become stuck on the loading screen to the Illusionist's Gambit skirmish.


Combat and Powers


  • Stronghold Boons: Treasure Hunter now properly activates the "double Masterwork Profession resources" effect at Explorer's Guild Rank 6, increased from Rank 2.


Classes and Balance

  • Devoted Cleric: Divine Glow: The damage dealt by this power has been increased by 30%.
  • Devoted Cleric: Lance of Faith: The tooltip for this power now accurately reflects its updated functionality.
  • Devoted Cleric: Prophecy of Doom: This power now takes its own damage taken debuff into account when dealing damage upon expiration.
  • Oathbound Paladin: Divine Call no longer reflects damage from other Reflect tagged powers.


Items and Economy


  • Ornately Carved Box: This item now stacks to 99, increased from 5.
  • Cloaked Ascendancy Portal Stones may now be purchased in the Zen Market, and no longer incorrectly have an expiration time.


Reward Claims Agent

  • The Renegade Illusionist companion is once again available in the Reward Claims Agent for players who linked their accounts to Arc.  (This had been previously hotfixed.)
  • The Miniature Giant Space Hamster is once again available for those who qualify.  (This had been previously hotfixed.)
  • The Heirloom Pack now properly fully functions.  If any component was missing, it should now be available in the Reward Claims Agent.  (This had been previously hotfixed.)
    • If you purchased this and have not received the pack, a free version of this pack should be available to purchase once in the Zen Market.
  • The Champion of the North Pack now properly fully functions.  If any component was missing, it should now be available in the Reward Claims Agent.  (This had been previously hotfixed)
    • If you purchased this and have not received the pack, a free version of this pack should be available to purchase once in the Zen Market.


User Interface

Purchase Prompts

  • The "Buy Zen" button is now available from prompts to purchase items.


Performance and Stability


  • A few potential crash issues have been addressed.




  • Several localization fixes have been made to text in the French and Russian languages.


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