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Patch Notes: NW.50.20150722a.11

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | mer 12 ago 2015 18:02:37 PDT

Please check out our thread of known issues on the forums including the graphics crash issue, which we are actively looking into.

Patch Notes

Items and Economy

  • Crushing Wave lockbox is now available in the Wondrous Bazaar for 200 AD.
  • Dungeons and Skirmishes Chests will award the correct seals and equipment when opened.
  • Stronghold Coffers: Changed the ratio of Glory donated to be 100:1, 100 glory for 1 guild mark. 


User Interface

  • Stronghold Coffers: Attempting to deposit an item that would give you more Guild Marks than you hold will now give a warning that donation will not increase your Guild Marks instead of just preventing you from donating to the coffer.


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