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The Caverns of Gauntlgrym

Di Pinpointerror | ven 07 giu 2013 06:00:45 PDT


Did you miss our live date announcement? We're excited to announce that Neverwinter will launch on June 20, 2013! Our launch also marks the release of Gauntlgrym, our new end-game PvP and PvE content for seasoned veterans at level 60. Gauntlgrym will offer a series of new challenges leading up to the most exciting – and rewarding – dungeon delve in Neverwinter! If you are a loot hunter or can't wait to conquer new challenges, then Gauntlgrym awaits you.



What makes Gauntlgrym special, challenging, and fun? Gauntlgrym offers something for everyone! Whether you enjoy PvE content and just want to focus on eliminating Delzun dwarves or PvP content by eliminating all opposing forces, your role is very crucial to the success of your team. Every activity you do and action you perform – or don’t perform! – has a consequence that affects the outcome of each phase. Every task completed and goal achieved gets your team closer to Dwarf King's Crypt and its hidden riches.



How can you prepare your character for Gauntlgrym? Your character must be level 60. Only seasoned veterans will be able to withstand the true power of dwarves, fire archons, and other creatures in Gauntlgrym. And, players must be in a guild to participate. If you are a guild leader, you must align your guild with a faction and fight to defend its honor and legacy!


Once you are inside Dwarf King's Crypt (Tier 2 rewards), only available to the winning team, or Fardelver Crypt (Tier 1 rewards), available to both winners and non-winners, you will be able to complete the dungeon delve and discover priceless treasures hidden deep within the crypts. And, you may be wondering if you need a qualifying Gear Score to enter these dungeon delves: You won't! Any player will be able to participate in these dungeon delves once they complete the first two phases.


If you can't wait to enter the caverns of Gauntlgrym when it is available, then look no further than the Events tracker next to your map – your next Gauntlgrym challenge may just be minutes away!


Click here to register for Neverwinter, the free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Prepare by becoming a Hero of the North today with a Founder's Pack purchase!  



founderspack founder neverwinter


Want more game details, screens, and videos? Like Neverwinter on Facebook for more fan-exclusive content and follow us on Twitter – tweet us your questions! And, subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest Neverwinter videos.


nw-news, neverwinter, nw-launcher, gauntlgrym,

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