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Underdark: Free Explorer's Pack Until 12/17!

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Чт 12 ноя 2015 10:00:00

We dare not send an adventurer into Underdark without proper preparation! Once Underdark launches on November 17, all adventurers will be able to claim a free Underdark Explorer’s Pack from the Rewards Claim Agent in Protector’s Enclave.

Uncover the details below (only one pack per account):

Gloomwrought Weapons: These sinister weapons will help any character below level 30 quickly plow through enemies so they can experience Underdark at level 60.

Epic Rings: Acquire one of 17 Epic Rings with an exotic power each. Below are some examples of rings you may find inside:

The Underdark Explorer’s Pack can be claimed once per account and is only available until 12/17 at 10am PST for PC players. Get ready to delve into the unknown with Underdark!

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