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Xbox One Race Spotlight: Wood and Sun Elves

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Ср 25 мар 2015 15:00:00

Wood Elf:

Elven culture has stratified into variants across the Forgotten Realms and none are more self-sufficient than Wood Elves. These denizens of the forest preserve and restore Faerun’s fading beauty, integrating their society into nature. Their compassion and open-mindedness allow them to stay in touch with the world, aiding the humans and other races of Neverwinter in its time of need. This long-lived, athletic race make nimble fighters and powerful magic wielders.


+2 Dexterity

+2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom

Elven Accuracy: Increases your chance to Critically Strike by 1%

Wild Step: You have a 10% resistance to effects that Slow your movement


Sun Elf:

Sun Elves epitomize the aloof nature often associated with the certain groups of elves. They’re the arbiters of elven culture, devoted to tradition and learning with little care for these aspects of other cultures, or other elf subraces. A beautiful and graceful people, Sun Elves’ are some of the most adept magic users in the Forgotten Realms, regarded for their deep understanding from years of study and contemplation.


+2 Intelligence

+2 Dexterity or +2 Charisma

Inner Calm: Your inner peace and serenity cause you to focus more clearly on the task at hand. +2% Action Point gain.

Sun Elf Grace: Your bottomless grace increases your resistance to Crowd Control effects by 10%

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Neverwinter for Xbox One will be available on March 31st. Check out the official page here.

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