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Call to Arms: Orc Assault

Автор: Pinpointerror | Чт 20 фев 2014 10:00:00

Did you miss our preview of the next Call to Arms? The upcoming Orc Assault Skirmish Event pits you and your party against the vicious Many-Arrows orcs in order to protect Neverwinter Guard Post from being overrun.

Event begins: February 20, 2014 at 10 A.M. PST (Pacific) (When is this for you?)

Event ends: February 24, 2014 at 10 A.M. PST (Pacific) (When is this for you?)

If you are new to Call to Arms skirmish events, these events are available for players of all levels (from 6-60)! Also, you are able to queue for these skirmishes at any time while the event is active. To learn more about these fun events, check out our Call to Arms trailer below!

If you and your party are successful, you’ll be rewarded with some incredible items including an Armored Orc Wolf Companion, unique dyes, Cruel enchantments, and Medallions of Battle. Medallions of Battle can be redeemed in central Protector's Enclave for unique weapon transmutes, Refiner's Cache, and dyes. Sword Coast Adventures will also feature a special dungeon to battle Mog the Crusher and Medallions of Battle may drop from all challenges within it. Please note that the vendor will remain in Protector’s Enclave until February 27, 2014 at 10 A.M. PST.

The Armored Orc Wolf has initial power points in Power, Critical Strike, and Armor Penetration, along with one offensive and two defensive slots for runestones. This companion also has a neck, ring, and waist slot.

As a green quality companion, the Armored Orc Wolf has a Max Rank of 20, providing you with three skins from which to pick before upgrading the companion to unlock the fourth skin.

At Rank 30, the Armored Orc Wolf will have these four Power Dice:

The Armored Orc Wolf has three powers and one active bonus:

Active Bonus

+100 Critical Strike


2s cooldown

Deals Physical Damage

Deals damage to target foe.


20s cooldown

Deals Physical Damage

A vicious bite that leaves a bleeding wound.

Go for the Jugular

Bleed now lasts 50% longer and the first tick hits twice. This power unlocks at companion rank 30.

Refiner's Cache - This cache contains one random enchantment or runestone between rank 2 to 4, possibly even a Brutal Enchantment, Cruel Enchantment, or Savage Enchantment.

And one of the following:

- Greater Mark Of Potency

- Mark Of Potency

- Lesser Marker Of Potency

- Flawless Sapphire

- Aquamarine

- Peridot

Weapon Transmutes - Your weapons could have the distinct look of the Many-Arrows orcs.

Many-Arrows Dye Pack

Cruel Enchantment - You could also receive enchantments from rank 1 up to rank 5 as monster drops and from the reward chest.

Are you ready to protect the Forgotten Realms from the orc invasion? Let us know on the official Neverwinter forums.

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