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Papercraft Stronghold Contest

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Чт 13 авг 2015 15:53:31

Update: Congrats to our winners!

1st: Fabilaura

2nd: Shiaani1

3rd: Darkehorse

With the current heatwave, warriors everywhere are panting under heavy chainmail or thick robes. Who wouldn't want to take off their armor and lie down in the shade of their stronghold?

The Perfect World team has created a papercraft stronghold that closely resembles your guild's headquarters to give you some shade from the burning sun. Here's what it will look like once you've finished building it:

So grab your sword, slash through the paper and dazzle us with a picture of your very own hand-made stronghold on your desk, in the wild, or even in the historic district of your town. We'll give out prizes for the most original pictures!

You can download the 4 sheets by clicking here.

Prizes up for grabs:

1st prize - Choose one of the following Neverwinter packs:

  • Guardian of Neverwinter Pack
  • Knight of the Feywild Pack
  • Dragonborn Legend Pack


2nd prize - Choose one of the following Neverwinter packs:

  • Feywild Starter Pack
  • Scourge Warlock Booster Pack


3rd prize – Any mount of your choice from the Zen Market!


Rules of the event:

  • Print out the stronghold by clicking here.
  • Cut out the pieces and glue them together.
  • PC adventurers only.
  • Take a picture of your stronghold in an interesting location and post it in this thread. The most original pictures will be rewarded.
  • Event duration: 8/13/15 - 9/03/15 @ 23:59 PDT.
  • Don't forget to mention your character@handle along with your submission.


We're excited to receive cool pictures of your strongholds!

Submit your entries on the official forum thread

nw-news, nw-strongholds, nw-contests,

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