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Xbox One Race Spotlight: Half-Elf & Half-Orc

Di Andy | mer 04 mar 2015 15:00:00 PST


Descendants of Human and Elf parentage, the best traits of both races often manifest in Half-Elves. They remain vital and active even into old age of their human lifespan. Half-Elves are often struck by wanderlust, roaming far and wide. They’re natural adventurers and an excellent ally, often classing as Clerics or powerful wizards. Neverwinter is a natural hub for Half-Elves that seek adventure and don’t like staying in one place for too long.


+2 Constitution

+2 Charisma or +2 Wisdom

Knack for Success: You’re naturally gifted in many facets of life, gaining +1% Deflect, +1% Critical Severity, and +1% Gold Find.

Dilettante: Grants +1 to a non-class Ability Score.


Like Half-Elves, Half-Orc lineage provides the best traits from both parents. For humans, Half-Orcs are often regarded with shame or disdain and it’s widely believed Orcs’ only positive traits are their heartiness and strength. Regardless, Half-Orcs tend to mature into fine adventurers and make great Rogues, Guardian Fighters, but most impressively Great Weapon Fighters. In Neverwinter, Orcs have settled the Tower district. Due to this proximity to the Human settlement, Half-Orcs are quite common.


+2 Dexterity

+2 Constitution or +2 Strength

Furious Assault: Your Critical Hits do an additional 5% damage.

Swift Charge: You gain 10% bonus to Runspeed for 3 seconds when you enter combat. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Neverwinter for Xbox One will be available on March 31st. Check out the official page here.

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