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Limited Time Mythic Insignia Pack & Mythic Premium Bundle!

Di Nitocris | mer 24 nov 2021 07:00:00 PST

The Mythic Insignia Choice Pack & the Mythic Premium Mount Bundle are available in the Zen Market for a limited a time!

Bundle up on Wednesday, November 24 at 7:30am PT

Pack it up on Thursday, December 2 at 7:30am PT

The Mythic Premium Mount Bundle contains:

  • Mythic Mount Choice Pack – Contains your choice of One account-reclaimable Mythic mount
  • Legendary Mount Double Choice Pack – Contains your choice of Two account-reclaimable Legendary mounts
  • 9x Legendary Premium Insignia Choice Pack – Contains your choice of One Legendary insignia
  • 2x Mount Upgrade Token Chest – Contains 200 Mount Upgrade Tokens each


The Mythic Insignia Choice Pack includes 1 choice of insignia from the following:







Insignia of Initiative

Insignia of Initiative

Insignia of Initiative

Insignia of Initiative

Insignia of Initiative

Insignia of Fortitude

Insignia of Fortitude

Insignia of Fortitude

Insignia of Fortitude

Insignia of Fortitude

Insignia of Brutality

Insignia of Brutality

Insignia of Brutality

Insignia of Brutality

Insignia of Brutality

Insignia of Aggression

Insignia of Skill

Insignia of Skill

Insignia of Aggression

Insignia of Aggression

Insignia of Skill

Insignia of Courage

Insignia of Courage

Insignia of Dominance

Insignia of Courage

Insignia of Evasion

Insignia of Evasion

Insignia of Prosperity

Insignia of Mastery

Insignia of Evasion

Insignia of Dominance

Insignia of Prosperity

Insignia of Mastery

Insignia of Refuge

Insignia of Prosperity

Insignia of Mastery


Insignia of Refuge


Insignia of Dominance





Insignia of Refuge


Pack and insignias are unbound.

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