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Magnificent Keyring!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 05 dic 2019 10:00:00 PST

A magnificent keyring is available for a limited time in the Zen Market! For the next week, players will get 20 free bonus Magnificent Resurgence Lockboxes when purchasing the 20 Enchanted Keys keyring.

Keyring will be available starting Thursday, December 5 at 10am PT

Keyring will disappear on Thursday, December 12 at 10am PT

The Magnificent Resurgence Lockboxes will include

Among the many treasures inside, the Magnificent Resurgence Lockbox offers a chance to get your hands on Tenser’s Floating Disk, unlock the Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn Race, or bring the Owlbear Cub as a companion on your adventures!

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