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Neverwinter at PAX West 2018!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | ven 10 ago 2018 07:00:00 PDT

Greetings Adventurers!

Neverwinter is coming to PAX West!

Join us from August 31 to September 3 in our little slice of Protector's Enclave at the Perfect World booth in the PAX Expo Hall to demo unreleased content, win glorious prizes, and get a Neverwinter Pinny Arcade Pin!


Where can you find us?

August 31 – September 3, 10am-6pm PT

Expo Hall Booth # 1115 (Expo Hall Map PDF available here)


August 31, 2:30-3:30pm PT

Hydra Theatre – Collaborative Storytelling from Tabletop to Video Game and Beyond! [PANEL]


Who will be there?

  • Thomas Foss - Lead Designer
  • Chantelle Tatum - Systems Designer
  • Matt Powers - Lead Producer
  • Ben Bascom - Producer
  • Julia Fredrickson - Community Manager


Pinny Arcade Neverwinter Pin 

As part of the PAX West 2018 Pin Quest, attendees can claim the Neverwinter Pin by playing the Neverwinter demo, play a second game at the Perfect World booth, and sharing their email. Details on the PAX West 2018 Pin Quest can be found on the official Pinny Arcade site

Play with the Devs!

Every 3 hours (11am, 2pm, 5pm PT)*, up to 4 PAX attendees will have a chance to play through new unreleased content teamed up with a Neverwinter Developer! Stop by our booth for details on how you can participate!

*Schedule subject to change. The most up-to-date schedule will be available at the booth.


Community Meetup!

Join us on Saturday, September 1, for an informal meet & greet at the Raygun Lounge! This will provide community members who are in the area a chance to meet, chat, and relax with some of the Neverwinter team members. Meetup will be after the Expo Hall closes for the day. 

Time: Saturday, Sept. 1, 7-9pm PT

Location: Raygun Lounge/Gamma Ray Games 501 E. Pine Street Seattle, WA 98122



At PAX - Share your story!

Find Community Manager Nitocris during select times and tell her your Neverwinter story! This can be through a re-telling of favorite anecdote, fiction, fan art, or a screenshot of your character. Follow us on Twitter for updates on Nitocris' status and location during PAX and details on prizes being given out!


Online - Digital giveaways!

Not at PAX? We haven’t forgotten about you! Throughout PAX we will be doing giveaways through our social media channels (Facebook & Twitter).



We will be providing additional details on locations, schedule breakdown, community meetups, and digital giveaways for those unable to attend over the next few days so stay tuned!

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