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Zen Market Flash Sale!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | sab 28 lug 2018 07:00:00 PDT

Greetings Adventures!

The Goddess Sune is rejoicing with a flash sale on everything in the Zen Market! For this weekend, the entire Zen Market will be 25% off!

25% off All starts Saturday, July 28 at 7:30am PT on PC and 10am PT on Console

25% off All ends Monday, July 30 at 7:30am PT on PC and 10am PT on Console

Please note that the Events and Packs on PC and Events and Bags on Console sales do not stack with the weekend 25% off everything. Packs and Bags will remain discounted at 25% until Monday, July 30. The event discount will become 20% starting July 30 until August 9. 

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