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2x Refining Stones 20% off Guild Marks!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 14 feb 2018 12:14:49 PST

Double up on Refining Stones for the next week! During this time, receive double the amount of these that you would normally get wherever you are in game.

In addition, the vendors in your Stronghold are cutting you a deal with 20% off any item that costs Guild Marks to purchase! Pick up some grub from the Barmaid, explore an Explorer’s Case from the Generalist, add some enchantments from the Gemmonger, or add to your gear with the Outfitter’s wares!

2x Refining Stones and 20% Guild Marks starts Wednesday, February 14 at 7:30am PT (PC) and 10am PT (Console)

2x Refining Stones and 20% Guild Marks ends Tuesday, February 20 at 7:30am PT (PC) and 10am PT (Console)

This upcoming week will be a great opportunity to upgrade your weapon or your last piece of armor so mark your calendars!

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