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This Weekend in Neverwinter!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 19 ott 2017 07:00:00 PDT

To complement our Solo PvP Queue event, we are offering a weekend of double Glory! Players can also boost their glory with a 20% off Services sale! If PvP isn’t your thing, Services also include appearance changes, bank slots, and more!

In addition, adventurers can earn twice the amount of Shards they normally would with 2x Stronghold Shards!

Promos and Sales start Thursday, October 19 at 10am PT

Promos and Sales end Monday, October 23 at 10am PT

Stronghold Shards available include:

Adventurer’s Shard of Power – Obtained from Heroic Encounters and Campaign Daily quests from the Stronghold.

Conqueror’s Shard of Power – Obtained from PvP quests like Domination and Stronghold Siege from the Stronghold.

Dungeoneer’s Shard of Power – Obtained from Dungeon quests from the Stronghold.

Heroic Shard of Power – Obtained from special in-stronghold quests and Heroic Encounters.

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