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Announcing Neverwinter: Tomb of Annihilation

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | ven 02 giu 2017 12:05:00 PDT

On July 25, venture into the jungles of Chult! Based on the storyline announced during the Stream of Annihilation, the new expansion will bring:

- New Hub: Port Nyanzaru

- New end-game Dungeon: Tomb of the Nine Gods - careful, it's filled with traps, puzzles, and doom!

- Discover the wonders of Chult in a brand new campaign! Navigate down the Soshenstar River and meet new and familiar faces!

- Join Volo’s hunt for exotic monsters. Remember, you are the best bait.


We will be bringing details on these features and more in upcoming developer blogs! In the meantime, check out the interview with Lead Designer Thomas Foss originally aired during the Stream of Annihilation.

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Tomb of Annihilation will stomp into Xbox One and PlayStation 4 at a later date.

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