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Become a Neverwinter Founder today!

Di Pinpointerror | mer 30 gen 2013 05:39:15 PST

Click here for more information and to purchase your Founder's Pack


Your Neverwinter adventure throughout the Forgotten Realms is about to begin. With three Beta Weekend events coming up, you will have your first opportunity to explore and dungeon delve in Neverwinter. But, the journey is dangerous ahead! Prepare now by purchasing a Founder's Pack and equip yourself with brand-new mounts, companions, and exclusives items to aid you on your journey!


Which items and exclusives are in each Pack?


Hero of the North Founder's Pack - Here are just some of the items and exclusives. Click here to learn more and purchase.

•    Five-day head start access to Neverwinter when it launches.
•    Access to all three Neverwinter Beta Weekends.
•    Beta Weekend Friend Invite code
•    Exclusive access to ‘Menzoberranzan Renegade’, complete with unique racial abilities, costume, and tattoos
•    Unique ‘Armored Spider’ mount
•    Unique ‘Panther Companion’
•    In-game title and forum ‘Hero of the North’ title
•    VIP Game Access to skip-the-line and get priority log-in access
•    And more!


Unique ‘Armored Spider’ mount


Unique ‘Panther Companion’


Exclusive access to ‘Menzoberranzan Renegade’, a drow playable race like the legendary ranger Drizzt Do’Urden, complete with unique racial abilities and tattoo


Guardian of Neverwinter Pack - Here are just some of the items and exclusives. Click here to learn more and purchase.

•    Three-day head start access to Neverwinter when it launches
•    Access to all three Neverwinter Beta Weekends.
•    Unique ‘Gold Moonstone Mask Regalia’ head piece
•    Unique ‘Armored Horse’ mount
•    Unique ‘Direwolf Companion’
•    In-game title and forum ‘Guardian’ title
•    And more!


Unique ‘Direwolf Companion’


Unique ‘Armored Horse’ mount


Neverwinter Starter Kit - Useful items to aid you on your adventure. Click here to learn more and purchase.

•    ‘Adventurer’s Helper Pack’ containing six different types of in-game items
•    ‘Small Bag of Holding’ for twelve extra inventory slots
•    ‘Amulet of Protection’ item


When do I receive these items?


You will receive a select number of items from the pack(s) you purchased immediately when you log in to play during a Beta Weekend event. This provides an opportunity to try out these items and show them off to players in the Forgotten Realms. When Neverwinter launches, you will receive all items from the pack(s) you purchased to enjoy!


Use these items well as you embark on your adventure during Beta and when Neverwinter launches! Happy hunting, Adventurers!



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