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Remnant: From the Ashes

Remnant Diaries - Trevor #4

Di Fero | gio 18 ott 2018 08:00:00 PDT

I think our luck’s turning.

We ain’t seen Root for a few weeks now and been stocking up on supplies, scraping what we could wherever we go. We also got a few new guys in the group – two brothers, late teens… seem straight enough. Time will tell. We found ‘em, all skin and bones and exhausted from the long walk but we seen worse. They lit up when we handed out a can of fruit and a few strips of jerky. Went at it like rabid dogs. Funny as hell to see – we all got a good laugh.

Still, I’m keepin’ an eye on them. In this world you can’t hardly trust anyone. Everybody’s out for themselves but can you blame ‘em? I seen it all – sons turnin’ on fathers, mother’s leaving children by the road… and worse. When people get scared and hungry there’s no tellin’ what they’re prepared to do. I’ve met the nicest folk in the past, genuine, honest… would risk their lives to save yours when the Root come callin’. But I seen those same people turn a knife to your throat if it meant that their odds of living would improve. Again, can’t says I blame ‘em… not sure I wouldn’t do the same.

And that’s where Molly comes in. She got years on us and this hard life ain’t been good to her. Make no mistake, though, she’s as tough as they come and she has a way of looking straight through you… read what’s goin’ on in your head long before you know yourself. Scares me some but she ain’t never been wrong – turned out more than our fair share of scavvies because old Molly took a stink to ‘em. She talked to the boys for hours on end putting ‘em at ease the way she do. When she was done she gave a wink to me and June and I knew that they’d passed the test. I felt June’s hand tighten around my arm, “Good.” she said and smiled brightly at me. I could only smile back.

That makes seven of us now. Strength in numbers June would chuckle… but it also means two more mouths to feed and two more souls to keep safe. The others are convinced the two boys will carry their share. I hope so. We’re headin’ someplace we’re told survivors have holed up. A few days walk from here and if our luck holds true we should get there before the weather turns.

I pray these better times won’t end soon. I pray Molly was right about taking the boys in. I pray that we find a safe place to call home.

I pray that this bad feeling deep in my gut ain’t nothing but hunger…


remnant, rem-news,

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