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Remnant II

Remnant 2 Update Notes - PC: 08.11.23

Di Percemer | sab 12 ago 2023 06:59:27 PDT

Patch Version: 384,309


--Bug Fixes--

[ Progression & Rewards ]

  • Progression Blocker: Fix for some players getting stuck in Tutorial and causing saves not to work.
  • Fixed issue with Brabus forgetting who you are.


--Performance and Crashes--

  • Fixed occasional crash when traveling to another location, mostly affecting Handlers (Crash: "Pure virtual not implemented")


Patch Version: 384,354


--Bug Fixes--

[ Progression & Rewards ]

  • Progression Blocker: Fixed an issue with players losing their Dragon Heart and Flashlight.


rem2-news, rem2-updates, rem2-community, remnant, rem-news,

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