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PWI Wedding - the tale of Christoper and Emily

By Lugia | Thu 01 Mar 2018 05:00:00 AM PST

When love knows no bound!


Greetings PWI players!

Today we wanted to share something special, something that touched us so deeply we wanted to share this little story with the whole community. Earlier last week, we received a sweet message from Christoper (a.k.a Authrion) who wanted to share the story of how he met his future wife Emily (a.k.a Augusta) in 2013 thanks to PWI.

You can read the said message just below followed by the highlight video of the wedding they had in California last summer!


Hello PWI, I have been a player on your game since the Harshlands server started, when a few friends moved from another server to the PvP server. Over the years, we have had many people come and go. There have been changes and growth in the game, with both great and not-so-great ideas taking place. Five years ago, I met a barb in another faction and became friends. Over the next year we became good friends and they finally talked me into joining the Mayhem forums where I learned this barb had a veno main character, and that Augusta was actually a woman, when this whole time I had thought this was just a cool guy.

That was kind of a shock, and it took a little while to sink in. I had to ask myself what I had said in front of her over the years and had to try to remember all the conversations that had taken place. This was the first chapter of our adventure. A couple months went by and we got married in game, where I think we had one of the biggest weddings I have ever been to, as most of Stalkers and Mayhem was there, as well as many of our friends from other factions.

Our faction has had a few meet-and-greets for our members, and any other PWIers that wanted to come. It has been fun meeting so many people from so many different states and countries. Augusta travelled across the country and we finally met in person, and we were engaged later that year. On August 12, 2017, Augusta and Authrion were married in real life. At our wedding, my two best men (who were also my faction director and marshal) stood by my side, and we had friends from the game, who watched us get married in the Archosaur Chapel, travel to California from Canada, Florida, Oregon, New York, and Ohio to support us and see us get married, this time for real. Our wedding cake topper featured our characters from the game, in our wedding outfits. PWI brought us together and built a bridge for two people, one in California and one in North Carolina, to find each other and start a new story.

This is the highlight video from our wedding, and the journey we made together.


Everyone at Perfect World Entertainment wants to give their congratulations to the happy couple and wish them a long marriage full of happiness!


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