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2x Icewind Dale Campaign Currency!

Di Nitocris | mer 12 gen 2022 07:00:00 PST

Lord Neverember is granting adventurers help in completing the Icewind Dale Campaign! This coming week, players will get double Icewind Dale Campaign currencies!

2x IWD currency starts Thursday, January 13 at 7:30am PT 

2x IWD currency ends Thursday, January 20 at 7:30am PT 

There are several ways to take advantage of the 2x IWD currency:

  • Daily quests in Caer-Konig, Icewind Pass, and Dwarven Valley
  • Weekly quests in Caer-Konig, Icewind Pass, and Dwarven Valley
  • Icewind Dale Campaign Tasks

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