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Stealth Lockbox!

Di Nitocris | ven 26 nov 2021 07:00:00 PST

Greetings Adventurers!

Starting Thursday, December 2, the new Stealth Lockbox will become available on all platforms! With this lockbox, adventurers will have a chance to obtain a new mythic mount!

Note: The Reconnaissance Lockbox will no longer be available starting December 2.


The Stealth Lockbox will require an Enchanted key to open and will be available as a drop in the world and in the Wondrous Bazaar.


Some of the treasures you can obtain in this lockbox are:

Mythic Mount – Rimefire Salamander (Account Wide Claim)

Note: tooltip displays max possible stats when a player has 10+ Mythic mounts in their stable.


Legendary Frost Salamander (Account Wide Claim)

A Shadow Elemental Companion


In addition to these packs, the Stealth Lockbox will have a chance at rewards such as Refinement items and gems, insignias, Mount upgrade tokens, and up to 1000 Tarmalune Trade Bars.


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