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Patch Notes: Version: NW.125.20210330b.19

Di Julia (nitocris83) | lun 24 mag 2021 18:16:43 PDT

Release Notes



  • New rewards have been added for the upcoming run of the Wonders of Gond event.
  • Wonders of Gond: Players in a party should no longer have significantly lower drop rates than players going solo.



Enemies and Encounters

Vault of Stars

  • The Golems in the Vault of Stars should no longer become stuck targeting someone outside the arena.
  • The Golems in the Vault of Stars should no longer rotate at the very last possible moment before blasting unaware players with starfire.
  • The third Gloaming Court Golem in the Vault of Stars should no longer stop performing actions when players stand at the entrance of the arena.



Items and Economy

Reward Claims Agent

  • The account-reclaimable version of the Cosmic Stag is now properly named the Cosmic Stag.



Art, Animation, and Audio


  • The Storyteller’s Journal artifact has had its visual effects reviewed to improve performance.


  • The Feywild Stag is no longer quite so tiny.



nw-playstation, nw-xbox,

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