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20% off Campaign Buyouts!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 19 nov 2020 09:55:00 PST

For adventurers looking to catch up with past campaigns, this weekend we have all campaign buyouts on sale!

Campaign buyouts are available to purchase by any player that meets the level requirement. These buyouts provide a tradeable token which can be used to complete the given campaign. A campaign buyout token can be used if a player meets the level requirements and has any non-repeatable task in the campaign unfinished.

20% off Campaign Buyouts starts Thursday, November 19 at 10am PT (19:00 CET)

20% off Campaign Buyouts ends Monday, November 23 at 10am PT (19:00 CET)

Buyouts available include:

  • Campaign Buyout Bundle
  • Elemental Evil Campaign Completion
  • Elemental Evil Campaign Completion with Level Boost
  • The Maze Engine Campaign
  • Storm King’s Thunder Campaign  
  • Dread Ring Campaign
  • Icewind Dale Campaign  
  • Sharandar Campaign
  • Tyranny of Dragons Campaign
  • Underdark Campaign
  • The Cloaked Ascendancy Campaign 
  • Jungles of Chult Campaign
  • Ravenloft Campaign
  • Acquisition Inc. Campaign

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