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Zen Bundles!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 03 set 2020 09:55:00 PDT

[For resolved and ongoing issues with Zen Bundles, please visit the forum thread]


Greetings Adventurers!

For the next month, new Zen Bundles will be available for purchase! These bundles can be found on the Arc page for PC (bottom of page, featured packs section) or the Console Stores. These bundles are different from the regular Zen-only packs obtained through the purchase page. See below for bundle details and important notes.

Zen Bundles will be available starting Thursday, September 3 at 10am PT (19:00 CEST)

Zen Bundles will disappear on Saturday, October 3 at 10am PT (19:00 CEST)


PC Price Points (click on each price point to be taken to the bundle page)




500 Zen & 10 Preservation Wards


1000 Zen & 10 Reward Reroll Tokens


2000 Zen & 1 Legendary Insignia Pack


5000 Zen & 1 42-slot Bag


10000 Zen & 3 Coalescent Wards


15000 Zen & 1 Legendary Mount Choice Pack*


Console Price Points




500 Zen & 10 Preservation Wards


1000 Zen & 10 Reward Reroll Tokens


2000 Zen & 1 Legendary Insignia Pack


5000 Zen & 1 42-slot Bag


10000 Zen & 3 Coalescent Wards


15000 Zen & 1 Legendary Mount Choice Pack*


*Legendary Mount Choice Pack includes ONE choice from the mounts below. Legendary Mount Choice Pack is Bind to Account. Once a mount is selected, that mount is tradeable but will bind to character once it is added to your stable (cannot be removed from stable). Neither pack from the same $150 purchase nor mount can be reclaimed on other characters on the account. 

  • Hellfire Steed
  • Legendary Carpet of Flying
  • Armored Griffon
  • Tenser's Floating Disk
  • Swarm
  • Commander Tyrannosaur
  • Crystalline Warhorse
  • Celestial Stag
  • Volcanic Flail Snail
  • War Triceratops


Important Notes:

  • Bundles are not avalable via Steam.
  • Zen is applied immediately upon purchase.
  • Items are claimed from the Reward Claims Agent and are Bound to Account. Reward Reroll Tokens are bound to character once claimed from the RCA.
  • Lower tiers of items are not included in higher tiers - only the item indicated in each individual tier is granted for that price point. 
  • Bundles can be purchased more than once, with the corresponding item being granted each time it's purchased within the Bundle time period. 
  • The $200/$199.99 price point is not bundled and will grant no item if purchased. 

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