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Patch Notes: Version: NW.115.20191025a.32

Di Julia (nitocris83) | lun 06 gen 2020 22:07:17 PST

Content and Environment


  • How Enchanting: This tutorial quest now asks the player to unequip the ring if they have it equipped.
  • Tutorials: At-will tutorial tips now pop up pointing at the correct power.



Hell Pit

Note: These changes address feedback from the run of this event on PC.

  • During the second week, waves now spawn every 30 seconds, up from 20.
  • There is no longer a spot where players can stand without getting aggro.
  • The run speed power-up no longer spawns.
  • Wilfred's base health has been reduced by 40%.

Feast of Lanterns

  • Feast of Lanterns has been updated for the Year of the Rat.



Combat and Powers

Insignia Bonuses

  • Barbarian's Delight: This tooltip now states the correct percentages.
  • Barbarian's Delight: This insignia bonus now properly increases in magnitude with additional stacks, instead of decreasing.
  • Berserker's Rage: This insignia now properly lasts for up to 20 seconds, instead of just 2, as long as all its conditions stay met.
  • Survivor's Gift: This tooltip now states the correct percentages.



Enemies and Encounters


  • Arcturia now deals less damage in the instanced quest featuring her, and no longer uses her drain ability.
  • Humanoid enemies now less frequently have healing potions, and many lower-rank enemies no longer have them at all.
  • Succubus Charm now lasts 4 seconds, down from 10.



User Interface


  • Mounts can now properly be previewed from the Zen Market and certain other interfaces.


  • Call to Arms weapons, as well as other items, now properly show their set bonus in their tooltip while viewing the inventory.
  • In the Fashion tab, the Fashion Items and Vanity Pets bags are now separate sub-tabs.


  • A Damage Absorption category has been added to queue scoreboards. We'll be polishing this up a bit more in a future patch.


nw-playstation, nw-xbox,

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