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Stardock Lockbox!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | ven 15 nov 2019 07:00:00 PST

Greetings Adventurers!

Starting Friday, November 22, the new Stardock Lockbox will become available on all platforms! With this, adventurers will have a chance to obtain items that are no longer available including top-end rewards! The Stardock Lockbox will drop in the world and is also available in the Wondrous Bazaar.

Note: Halaster’s Lockbox will no longer be available starting November 22.

The Stardock Lockbox will require an Enchanted Key (Keys are available from the Zen Market or, if you are a VIP member, you get one new key for free every day) and follows the same lockbox format introduced with the Heart of Fire module.


Some of the treasures you can obtain in this lockbox are:

A Legendary Mount Pack which includes the following mounts:

  • Crystalline Warhorse
  • Celestial Stag
  • Arcane Whirlwind

An Epic Mount Pack which grants:

  • Stormraider Clydesdale
  • Starfade Stag
  • Whirldwind

An Epic Companion Pack which grants:

  • Pseudodragon
  • Rust Monster
  • Bulette Pup


In addition to these packs, the Stardock Lockbox will have a chance at rewards such as Refinement items and gems, Utility rewards including legendary profession tools, and Companion upgrade tokens.


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