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2x XP & 20% off Companions!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 25 ott 2018 07:00:00 PDT

Catch up with other adventurers faster this weekend with a 2x XP event! During this time, you and your companions can level faster than ever!

Speaking of companions, if you’re looking for a new one to join you on your adventures you’re in luck! All companions are 20% off this weekend!

2x XP & 20% off Companions starts Thursday, October 25 at 10am

2x XP & 20% off Companions Ends Monday, October 29 at 10am

What will grant you double XP in Neverwinter during this event?

  • XP gained from killing creatures in game.
  • XP rewards from quests.
  • XP rewards from invocation.
  • Companions will also gain double XP. Even if you are level 70, your companions will continue to gain double XP as you progress through the game.

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