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Neverwinter: Lost City of Omu - April 24 on Console!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 22 mar 2018 09:27:20 PDT

Greetings Adventurers!

On April 24, prepare to enter the Lost City of Omu on Xbox One & PlayStation®4! In this new update, players will continues the storyline started in Tomb of Annihilation, where adventures must face off against the wicked lich, Acererak.

Explore a new zone filled with crumbling temple ruins and a labyrinth of underground tunnels, hunt new monsters, uncover treasures, and face the undead Tyrant T.Rex. This update also brings a new campaign, storyline updates, and the new endgame trial.

Dive deeper into all the new features and content that await in the Lost City of Omu in the Developer Blog Hub!

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