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Neverwinter: Strongholds Official Gameplay Trailer

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | gio 23 lug 2015 09:00:00 PDT

Neverwinter: Strongholds, the game’s seventh full-fledged expansion, gives adventurers and their guild the opportunity to reclaim an abandoned keep from the wild in our largest map yet. After over two years of adventuring all along the Sword Coast, adventurers will soon have a place to call home.

Have your first look at the process of building a stronghold, the aesthetic differences upon ranking up and the brand new PvP mode in our latest gameplay trailer!

Once your Guild Hall is secured, complete quests throughout the lands to rank up your stronghold while building new structures to unlock abilities and increased performance for your guild and its members.Your stronghold will be your guild's home, so make sure to keep it up and running!

Once adventurers have had time to conquer the landscape, we will unleash an all-new, MOBA-like 20 vs. 20 experience. Guilds may battle against each other’s heavily fortified strongholds in Neverwinter’s ultimate PvP showdown in September. Prepare to Conquer or Crumble in Neverwinter: Strongholds Aug. 11.

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