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New Items Available in the Neverwinter Zen Market!

Di Andy (StrumSlinger) | gio 23 apr 2015 10:10:00 PDT

Our merchants have searched far and wide and have brought us a couple more treasures to sell in the Zen Market. If you're interested in obtaining these wares, just press 'Y' to open the Zen Market and purchase them.

Runic Bag of Holding A bag with a larger inside than out. Has 36 inventory slots.


Icewind Dale Campaign Completion - Fully completes and unlocks all tasks for the Icewind Dale campaign. Also comes with a Greater Icewind Dale Cache and 350 Caer-Konig Reputation.

Known Issues (will be fixed in the future):

  • If the Icewind Dale Campaign Completion is purchased on a character that has not gone through the introduction sequence they will not have any vendor access in Icewind Dale.
  • The Icewind Dale Campaign Completion item can still be purchased after completing all Boons, but cannot be purchased after only completing Baerick’s Iceforge III.


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