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Neverwinter: Elemental Evil – Reclamation Rock Critters

Di Akromatik | mar 17 mar 2015 14:15:47 PDT

Launching on April 7, Neverwinter: Elemental Evil will bring one of the largest content updates to our Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG since our launch in June 2013. Earlier this year, we did deeper dives on the new environments that players will explore. Now it’s time to look at the adversaries that you’ll be facing.

One of the exciting things about Dungeons & Dragons is the variety of monsters that you face in your adventures. Our team’s goal was to bring more variety to our game by introducing iconic enemies. Let’s take a look at some of the enemies you will face in Reclamation Rock.

Earth Archon

The Earth Archons will be one of most immediately recognized foes in Reclamation Rock. These human-sized, stone-covered enemies were an immediate choice for our developers as they scoped the earth-element focused environment. Dungeons & Dragons fans may immediately recognize these monsters from the Elemental Plane of Earth.


Bulette are also referred to as a “land shark” and are fast predators that will look to surprise players. Bulettes have several different attacks that will keep players on their toes including the ability to burrow through the ground and hunt players. They can also leap through the air in order to close distance between itself and the players, which will also cause damage to anything that it touches in the process. Bulettes will definitely be a worthy adversary as players explore Reclamation Rock.


Where Bulettes are agile, Gorgons have a tank-like builds as they stand in opposition to players. They are much slower, but hit with a large amount of force as they can trample players or gore them with their horns. Gorgons also have the ability to stun players with their petrifying breath, which opens up the perfect opportunity for them to attack.

Marlos Urnrayle

Marlos Urnrayle is the earth prophet that is leading the Cult of the Black Earth. Dungeons & Dragons fans will recognize him from D&D lore. Marlos is a Medusa and, similar to the Gorgon, has the ability to petrify players. After he attempts to turn players to stone, Marlos will take his signature pickaxe and use any opportunity to attack the players. Players will find Marlos as they progress through the story content for Neverwinter: Elemental Evil. Beware of his petrifying abilities and approach with caution. 

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