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Xbox One Race Spotlight: Halflings

Di Andy | mar 17 mar 2015 15:00:00 PDT

Halflings are a scrappy, quick-witted people capable of demonstrating true mettle when facing adversity of all types. Though diminutive in stature, Halflings roam far and wide seeing more of Faerun than most. With features similar to Humans, it’s common to see Halflings living in or near their settlements blending in and contributing to these communities. Due to their knack for adaptability, these people fill many roles from farmers, to rogues, to hunters and more.


+2 Dexterity

+2 Charisma or +2 Constitution

Nimble Reaction: Your small stature and quick movements grant 3% chance to Deflect incoming attacks.

Bold: Your fearless nature increases your resistance to Crowd Control effects by 10%.

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