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Hero of the North Pack Giveaway!

Di sparkiesoft | ven 21 mar 2014 11:36:38 PDT

Hi Adventurers!  

Now that we’ve completed our website’s transition to Arc Games, we’re excited to announce our next Hero of the North Pack giveaway. Check out the info below, as rules and restrictions apply*.

*Rules, Restrictions and Full Details:

Start Date: Now

End Date: Friday, March 28, 2014 at 11:59AM PDT

There are two (2) modes of entry, and you may participate in both:

  1. ‘Like’ Arc Games on Facebook here:


  1. If the Arc Games Facebook page has 12,000 likes by the ‘End Date’ listed above, five (5) people who have liked the page, and are currently liking the page at the ‘End Date’, will be randomly selected to win a Hero of the North Pack (normally priced at $199.99 – info here).
  2. For every additional 250 likes beyond 12,000 likes by the date and time above, one (1) additional person who has liked the page will win a Hero of the North Pack.
    1. If the above ‘like’ criteria is met, the winners will be notified that they have won by 6:00PM PDT on Friday, March 28, 2014 through the Facebook messaging system. The message will contain a redemption code for one (1) Hero of the North Pack and redemption instructions.
      1. In order for a winner to receive the message, your Facebook account would need to be able to accept incoming messages from users who are not on your friends list.
    2. If the above ‘like’ criteria is not met, there will be no (0) winners and the contest will be rerun at a future date; though, the above criteria may change.


  1. Follow Arc Games on Twitter here:


  1. If the Arc Games Twitter feed has 12,500 followers by the ‘End Date’ listed above, five (5) people who are following the feed will be randomly selected to win a Hero of the North Pack (normally priced at $199.99 – info here).
  2. For every additional 250 followers beyond 12,500 followers by the date and time above, one (1) additional person who has followed the feed will win a Hero of the North Pack.
    1. If the above ‘follow’ criteria is met, the winners will be notified that they have won by 6:00PM PDT on Friday, March 28, 2014 through the Twitter direct messaging system. The message will contain a redemption code for one (1) Hero of the North Pack. Redemption instructions will be tweeted to you.
      1. In order for a winner to receive the message, your Twitter account must be following the @PlayArcGames account and would need to be able to accept incoming messages.
    2. If the above ‘follow’ criteria is not met, there will be no (0) winners and the contest will be rerun at a future date; though, the above criteria may change.


We hope you enjoy this giveaway, and we’ll see you in-game!



Sparkiesoft and the Arc Team


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