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Patch Notes: Version: NW.131.20210803b.10

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 18 ago 2021 19:52:09 PDT

Release Notes


Content and Environment

Adventurer’s Guild

  • Multiple NPCs and services that are used during the mission 'Missives, Auctions, and Diamonds' have been added to the Adventurer's Guild.


  • Rank 7 enchantments are now awarded instead of rank 2 enchantments from certain tutorials.

Cathedral of Madness

  • Acolytes now have a significantly higher chance to drop the needed talisman.

Neverdeath Graveyard

  • The Tree of Souls no longer has an encounter with a massive number of Zombie Rotters.

The Chasm

  • Sergeant Danrick no longer incorrectly mentions the Gate Crashers event.



Enemies and Encounters


  • Kobold Hurlers and Minions now deal 40% less damage.



Items and Economy


  • Floral Vorpal Enchantments now have the same bind status as they did prior to the release of the current module.
  • Legendary Companions from the Golden Companion Bundle now have the same bind status as they did prior to the release of the current module.
  • In a future build, we plan to unbind the aforementioned items that were incorrectly bound. More details coming later.
  • The “100% off” coupon for Loadout Slots can now properly be redeemed in the Wondrous Bazaar for a free loadout slot.

Zen Market

  • Bard’s Entourage Pack: The preview images have been updated to show the correct new look for the fashion.
    • We understand that players have purchased this pack expecting the previous look of the fashion in this pack. In a later update, we plan to make the original look freely claimable to all players who purchased this fashion pack. More details coming later.



User Interface


  • Events have been scheduled on the calendar through the end of October 2021. As usual, the calendar will not display events greater than six weeks out.



Performance and Stability


  • We’ve identified and addressed an issue that likely contributed to higher server latency.



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