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Patch Notes: Version: NW.125.20210330b.14

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 05 mag 2021 22:17:52 PDT


Release Notes




  • The calendar has been updated through the end of June 2021. (The in-game calendar still only displays up to six weeks in the future.)

Wonders of Gond

  • The Expendable Doohickey no longer states that it can be obtained by participating in the Wonders of Gond event, as it’s not going to be available in the upcoming run.
  • The Expendable Doohickey now has a target cap of 5.




Combat and Powers

Classes and Balance

  • Paladin: Oathbound: The tooltip for Forte now properly matches the stats given.



Items and Economy


  • The Avernus campaign patron token discount now properly affects the boon tasks of that campaign.

Zen Market

  • Players who had purchased a Red, Yellow, or Blue Butterfly Swarm mount can now properly reclaim them regardless of whether they’re available for purchase in the Zen Market.
    • The Red, Yellow, and Blue versions are now available for purchase in the Zen Market, and will go away when the Orange, Green, and Purple ones do, on May 13, 2021.
  • Players who had purchased the Chickenmancer companion can now properly reclaim them regardless of whether the April Fowls event is running.
  • Players who had purchased the Twilight Yeti mount during a previous run of the Winter Festival can now properly reclaim it.
    • Note for mount and companion reclaims: Generally, if the character already has a mount or companion in their Mounts or Companions list, it will not appear in the Zen Market.
  • The Fairy’s Favorite Things pack can now properly be opened even if the player is at the cap for relevant campaign currencies.



Performance and Stability


  • The Abyssal Chicken’s “Swarm” power should no longer crash players when used on certain enemies.
  • The Ring of Fowl Weather’s activated power should no longer crash players when used on certain enemies.


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