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2x Ravenloft Campaign Currency!

Di Fero | mar 30 mar 2021 07:00:00 PDT

The mists have chosen to assist adventurers in completing the Ravenloft Campaign! For the next week, players will receive double Ravenloft Campaign currencies, making it easier to complete the campaign!

2x Ravenloft Currency starts Thursday, April 1 at 7:30am PT (16:30 CEST)

2x Ravenloft Currency ends Thursday, April 8 at 7:30am PT (16:30 CEST)

You can take advantage of the 2x Ravenloft currency by completing Daily and Weekly quests in Barovia. These quests will award Omens and Barovian Coins. The max number of Omens is limited by the Weekly Haul displayed in the Campaign window.

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