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Legendary Mount Bundle!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 24 set 2020 09:55:00 PDT

By request, the limited time Legendary Mount bundle is back in the Zen Market at a 30% discount! This bundle includes:

  • Legendary Mount Choice Pack (Obtain 3 from a selection of 10)
  • 9x Legendary Insignia Choice Pack, includes Zen only insignias (Obtain 1 from a selection of 9)
  • A vanity pet based on the legendary mounts (1 random pet awarded to player)*


Bundle becomes available Thursday, September 24 at 10am PT (19:00 CEST)

Bundle disappears Thursday, October 1 at 9:59am PT (19:00 CEST)



Mounts are bound to character and are account-wide reclaimable.

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