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20% off Professions!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 23 lug 2020 09:56:00 PDT

Whether you have your workshop running smoothly or are still learning the trades, this weekend is a great opportunity to stock up with a 20% off Professions sale in the Zen Market!

20% off Professions starts Thursday, July 23 at 10am PT (19:00 CEST)

20% off Professions ends Monday, July 27 at 10am PT (19:00 CEST)

Profession Items include:

Profession Level Boost – grants an item which will instantly boost one profession of your choice to the maximum level

Profession Experience Booster Pack – This pack contains training manuals which boost profession and artisan experience when a task is successfully completed

Profession Supplement Pack – This pack contains a variety of supplements which augment profession tasks by providing beneficial skills. Supplements are consumed upon use.

Professions Artisan Recruitment – Instantly receive a common, rare, or epic application from an artisan or adventurer in the profession of your choice.

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