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Free Overload Enchant Choice Packs!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | gio 18 giu 2020 09:55:00 PDT

Greetings and Jubilations Adventurers! Lord Neverember is celebrating Neverwinter’s Anniversary with 5 free Overload Choice Packs, claimable at the Rewards Claim Agent!

Pack becomes available Thursday, June 18 at 10am PT

Pack disappears Thursday, June 25 at 10am PT

You will be able to choose 1 of the following Overload Enchants from each pack:

  • Rage of Flames
  • Devil’s Precision
  • Resiliency of the Depths
  • Demonic Empowerment
  • Bulwark of Brimstone
  • Unholy Protection

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