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Patch Notes: Version: NW.120.20200427a.9

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 13 mag 2020 23:15:54 PDT

Release Notes

Enemies and Encounters

Lair of the Mad Mage

  • Arcturia's Cocoon of Death once again properly respects those who are healed to full health, to avoid having them decimated once the timer expires.



Items and Economy


  • Mochi and niangao should now properly show percentage symbols in their effect descriptions.




User Interface


  • Slotted enchantments should no longer show the bonus for the incorrect slot, in certain circumstances. (Example: In some cases, Azure enchantments would incorrectly show their Utility bonus of XP while slotted in an Offense slot.)





  • Bear mounts should no longer have a faulty jumping animation.
  • Bulette mounts should no longer cause their rider to T-pose.


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