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2x Refining Stones & Bonus RP!

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 25 mar 2020 07:00:00 PDT

Lord Neverember has declared it a Refinement holiday! During this time, receive double the amount of Refining Stones that you would normally get wherever you are in game. In addition, players can earn Bonus Refinement Points!

Refinement Week starts Thursday, March 26 at 10am PT

Refinement Week ends Thursday, April 2 at 10am PT

During the Bonus Refinement Points event, players above level 10 who kill creatures within 7 levels of them will receive Refinement Points, based on their level, directly granted to their character. There is a 100,000 RP cap per character. 

*NOTE: Refinement Pack is not affected by the 2x Refining Stones event.

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