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Patch Notes: Version: NW.115.20190826c.30

Di Julia (nitocris83) | mer 16 ott 2019 15:01:13 PDT

Release Notes 

Content and Environment

Future Events

  • Tales of Old: The general difficulty of these events has been decreased, and more Coins of Tales Told are granted at difficulty 3 and higher.
  • Tales of Old: Encounter power cooldown times no longer increase at Difficulty 4.


Combat and Powers


  • Dark Prayers now properly summons a Soul Puppet.
  • Dark Spiral Aura: The tooltip now displays the correct magnitude when the player has no dark spirals.
  • Hellfire Ring: The DoT now properly matches the magnitude in the tooltip.


  • A power interaction that could cause players to deal immense damage has been addressed.


Enemies and Encounters


  • Kessell's Retreat: The damage dealt by the boss has been decreased.
  • Shores of Tuern: The damage dealt by the boss has been decreased.


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